Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Law Makers call it Switcher Credit – but we call it EXTRA Credit!

by Brian May 8, 2012

Great news for Arizona students, schools, donators and everyone else!    The State legislation passed a bill (SB1047) that goes into effect this year (2012) as A.R.S 41-1089.03. What is so great about this new law? This new law doubles the amount of maximum tax credit you can take!   The “original” tax credit allowed a maximum of $500/$1000 for single/married tax filers, but for tax year 2012, you can donate up to $1003/$2006 to a School Tuition Organization (STO), such as AZ4Education.    This is being called the “switcher credit”, but we are going to be referring to it as “EXTRA” credit. […]

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