Shopping Online

How many people shop online? More and more people that I talk to, would rather shop online then go out to strip malls or the malls in general. I have started to do more of this myself. We have partnered with Market America/ to set up an AZ4Education portal for you do to your shopping.

Market America/ is one of the largest online retailers for consumers worldwide, featuring exclusive products and services (Market America brands) along with offering products from more than 3500 top Internet retailers. Making up to about 50 million products and services. With that number of products and services, you probably can find just about what you need there.

With the economy the way it is and income being squeezed from every angle. We know that straight out donations are sometimes very hard to do. Partnering with Market America/, we get a percentage from your purchase. You get your products and services, we get some money to help provide a scholarship to a student.

Check it out. I hope that you will find this service helpful. I know that any funding that we get from this, will definitely help us fulfill a students dreams.

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