tax credit

March Madness

by admin March 5, 2014

It is that time of year, March Madness. How many of you are college basketball fans? This is your month of championship weeks and the NCAA tournament. It is a college basketball fans dream. It also is the month that most folks get their taxes completed. Are your taxes done already? If so, that is great. If not, then continue reading on. As you may know, we are still accepting donations for the 2013 tax year up to April 15 of 2014.   Be sure to let your family and friends know that they still have time to redirect those taxes to […]

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Donations for 2013 Still Good through April 15, 2014

by Brian February 19, 2014

As you may know, we are still accepting donations for the 2013 tax year up to April 15 of 2014.   Be sure to let your family and friends know that they still have time to redirect those taxes to AZ4Education. As of January, we made several new enhancements to the donation module, allowing you to get more done, quicker.    Our new module can now process recommended donations up to 3 different schools or students;  You can also “split” the total donation between multiple schools or students;  and you can take the “max tax credit” and more. AZ4Education is continuing to […]

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Important Information and a “New Policy” Change

by admin February 4, 2014

To all AZ4Education Community Members: Another year is over, we have had our review and we are doing well. Again, we are witnessing some extremely strong results in the # of donations and total amount this year! That is great news. We received a communication reminder from the ADOR about recommended donations and the potential for “swapping” or reciprocity. This is when one or more families are providing a recommended donation in a students name for each other students (or within a circle of families). This is against the regulations. Even if you did not intend for that donation to […]

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Don’t Forget – You Still Have Time Until April 15th

by admin January 23, 2014

Do you know that you can still get 2013 tax credit for donations made up to April 15th? That’s right! One of the reasons that most people struggle with making donations is the amount of time that in-between the donation and receiving credit.  We are very lucky in Arizona. Our legislature recognized that.  Now can make donations at the beginning of the year just before you file your taxes (and it still counts that donation for the previous year).  This changes the donation deadline to April 15th instead of December 31st, or prior to when you file your taxes, whichever […]

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2014 Tax Credit Amounts Go Up!

by admin January 10, 2014

We all know it is now 9 days into 2014! Winter intersession is completed and students are back at school. Life is getting back to the routine that we feel comfortable with. For many that is music to your ears. What is new in 2014? The Arizona Tax Credits are going up…  So, if you are donating now for Tax Year 2014 – the dollar amounts have changed. I received a call yesterday asking if things were going to change – they are. Look below for those changes in dollar amounts. Tax Year 2014: “Original” Credit. Under the first type […]

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by admin November 19, 2013

We are under 2 weeks away from Thanksgiving. Time for family and friends to get together to enjoy each others company and give thanks for all of the wonderful blessing this past year has brought. It is a very special time! What follows Thanksgiving is normally Black Friday and Cyber Monday – the retailers way to kick off the holiday season. GivingTuesday is a movement to celebrate and kick off the giving season. The second annual GivingTuesday is on December 3, 2013. In the same way that retail stores take part in Black Friday, #GT wants the giving community to […]

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Just For You – New Additions

by admin August 22, 2013

Take a moment and look up from this post and locate in the upper right hand corner our dashboard login. Do you know what that means? It gives us the opportunity to provide our community with some additional tools. Do you have a login already? If so, then you can skip ahead to the next paragraph. If you don’t, I would recommend moving forward with setting one up. Just click on the member and fill out the necessary information. Remember to verify yourself when a email is sent to you. Just that simple (and by the way – it is […]

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AZ Tax Credits – Control Where Your Dollars Go

by admin August 7, 2013

You have found Us! We are here to help with everything Arizona State Private School Tuition Tax Credits. I know it is a bit early to be thinking about 2013 taxes.. Or maybe not. School is or has started. Before we know it will be Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukah. What is left? Tax Time! Here is some additional information about the ins and outs of the AZ Private School Tuition Tax Credit is… As a taxpayer, you are allowed to make two types of credit-eligible contributions for private school tuition. Contributions must be made to a qualified “school tuition organization” […]

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