
Thank You Donors – 2017

by Brian April 20, 2017

We want to thank all our generous donors who gave a part of their income taxes this year. Your support of school choice and education is making a real difference.    We are able to help more students and families get the type of education they desire.     This year is going to be another high mark… because of support by individuals who like choice! Thanks also to all of our partners, volunteers, and schools who continue to spread the word about how we are making a difference together. To learn more about AZ4Education, our team, how it works or what we […]

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Now Accepting Applications for 2017-18 School Year

by Brian February 15, 2017

Beginning February 15, 2017, we are accepting applications for the 2017-18 school year. We work with all private K-12 schools in Arizona and need an application submitted every school year, which is good for the entire school year.   Our application takes about 7 minutes on average to complete and submitting your tax returns is optional.    Note that we also do not have any deadlines and award/review monthly. For questions about filling our scholarship application or how our process works, please read through our helpful “how it works” page.  If you require additional assistance you can contact us.

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Happy Holidays – 2016

by Brian December 10, 2016

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season in 2016!

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Now Accepting Applications for 2016-17 School Year

by Brian February 15, 2016

As of February 15, 2016, we will start accepting applications for the 2016-17 school year.      Every year we need just one application that is good for the entire school year.   It takes roughly 7-10 minutes to complete an application. If you have questions about how to fill our a scholarship application or our process, please read through our helpful “how it works” page.  If you require additional assistance, please contact us.

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Scholarship applications still being accepted for 2014-15

by Brian October 29, 2014

Scholarship applications still being accepted for 2014-15 school year.   If you have already submitted your scholarship application, GREAT JOB.     If not, you can still apply, all the way through April 2015, but be sure to submit an application asap. We will start accepting applications for the 2015 -16 school year as early as February15,  2015.     Check out our website for details on our award schedule. Please help by sharing on Facebook, Twitter about donating your state income taxes to support education.   We accept all major credit cards, checks, pledges, and donators can give to a […]

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Just For You – New Additions

by admin August 22, 2013

Take a moment and look up from this post and locate in the upper right hand corner our dashboard login. Do you know what that means? It gives us the opportunity to provide our community with some additional tools. Do you have a login already? If so, then you can skip ahead to the next paragraph. If you don’t, I would recommend moving forward with setting one up. Just click on the member and fill out the necessary information. Remember to verify yourself when a email is sent to you. Just that simple (and by the way – it is […]

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by Brian April 30, 2013

Volunteering is a rewarding and important part of any persons life.    Some learn about the personal benefits and rewards that come with the activity early in life and others as they find time later in life.     If you have ever had a chance to help others, then you know what I am talking about. Our board is currently looking for volunteer board members who are interested in making a difference with K-12 education.    As a  non-profit volunteer organization with flexible hours and a critical goal to help others, its always great to find others of like mind.  But sometimes […]

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Give to AZ4Education and make a recommendation

by Brian November 28, 2012

Did you know that when you donate to AZ4Education, you can recommend a student or school to receive your donation? It’s one of the many benefits of donating that allows you more control of where your donation (ie. tax dollars) goes.   It’s no wonder why more donators are taking advantage of this feature. As you know, when you donate to AZ4Education, every dime is returned through an Arizona State tax credit.    That means you get to spend your tax dollars directly on education. So how does this work?   When you make your donation, simply give a name for a private […]

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